The Barangay Health Volunteer, also known as Barangay Health Worker, is a category of health care providers in the Philippines. They undergo a basic training program under an accredited government or non-government organization, and render primary care services in the community. They provide services for barangays (neighbourhoods) in areas such as maternal, newborn and child health.[1]
Barangay Health Workers are accredited to function as such by the local health board in accordance with the guidelines promulgated by the Philippines Department of Health, as defined in Sec. 3 of Republic Act No. 7883.[2]
Each volunteer receives about five weeks of training.[1] Barangay Health Workers live in the communities they serve, and act as change agents in their communities. They provide information, education and motivation services for primary health care, maternal and child health, child rights, family planning and nutrition. They may administer immunizations and regular weighing of children. They often assist midwives in providing birthing services.[3]
On average, each Volunteer is expected to work with around 20 families in their community.[1] However the scarcity of trained individuals has narrowed down the number of volunteers, especially in some remote areas, where now one or two volunteers service an entire barangay.